Limb Lab is excited to announce its arrival in Des Moines, Iowa!
Our new office will be led by Stephen Sengbusch, CPO and Micheala Hala, CPO. Stephen is a Certified Prosthetist Orthotist and a Des Moines native, who has provided care to people in the Des Moines area for several years. Micheala, also a Certified Prosthetist Orthotist, is likewise an Iowa native. Micheala most recently served as Limb Lab’s Market President in the company’s Mankato, Minnesota office. We offer:
Lower Limb Prosthetics
Symes/Chopart/LisFranc Prosthesis
Partial foot Prosthesis
Transtibial (Below Knee) Prosthesis
Knee Disarticulation Prosthesis
Transfemoral (Above Knee) Prosthesis
Hip Disarticulation Prosthesis
Hemipelvectomy Prosthesis
Activity Specific Prosthesis
Running Prosthesis
Water Prosthesis
Post-Operative Prosthesis
Limb Protectors
Pediatric Prosthetics
HiFi Socket Technology
Adjustable Socket Technology
Upper Limb Prosthetics
Partial Finger Prosthesis
Partial Hand Prosthesis
Wrist Disarticulation Prosthesis
Transradial (Below Elbow) Prosthesis
Elbow Disarticulation Prosthesis
Transhumeral (Above Elbow) Prosthesis
Shoulder Disarticulation Prosthesis
Forequarter Prosthesis
Activity-specific Upper limb prosthetics
Body-Powered Prosthetics
Myoelectric Prosthetics
Pattern Recognition Prosthetics
HiFi Socket Technology
Adjustable Socket Technology
Pediatric Prosthetics
Lower Limb Orthotics
Custom Foot Orthoses
Supra malleolar orthoses (SMO)
Ankle-Foot Orthoses (AFO)
Knee Orthoses (KO)
Knee-Ankle-Foot Orthoses (KAFO)
Hip-Knee-Ankle-Foot-Orthosis (HKAFO)
Reciprocating Gait Orthoses (RGO)
Post-Op Hip Abduction Orthoses
Dynamic Splinting
Custom Dynamic Orthoses
Pediatric Orthotics
Upper Limb Orthotics
Dynamic splinting
Brachial Plexus Orthoses
Fracture Bracing
Sarmiento Bracing
Pediatric orthotics
Spinal Orthotics
Lumbar-Sacral Orthoses (LSO)
Thoracic-Lumbar-Sacral Orthoses (TLSO)
Cervical-Thoracic-Lumbar-Sacral Orthoses (CTLSO)
Scoliosis Orthoses
Pediatric/Adolescent Scoliosis Orthoses
Cranial Orthotics
Cranial remolding orthoses
Post-op craniosynostosis repair cranial remolding orthoses
Protective Helmets
Limb Lab has built out over 4,500 square feet of state-of-the-art clinical office space at 500 E. Court Ave., Suite 190, Des Moines, Iowa 50309.
Please come and see us!