Minneapolis, MN

Come see us in our Minneapolis office!

Jenna Neugebauer Market President has assumed leadership of our very busy office in Minneapolis.  We are excited for her leadership! She is joined by an excellent team of clinicians, technicians, and administrative staff.

Our Minneapolis team focuses relentlessly on our clients’ well-being.  With an approach to care that is at once artistic and innovative, the team energetically pursues solutions to get our clients back to doing what they want to do.

Services we offer:

Lower Limb Prosthetics

Symes/Chopart/LisFranc Prosthesis

Partial foot Prosthesis

Transtibial (Below Knee) Prosthesis

Knee Disarticulation Prosthesis

Transfemoral (Above Knee) Prosthesis

Hip Disarticulation Prosthesis

Hemipelvectomy Prosthesis

Activity Specific Prosthesis

Running Prosthesis

Water Prosthesis

Post-Operative Prosthesis

Limb Protectors

Pediatric Prosthetics

HiFi Socket Technology

Adjustable Socket Technology

Upper Limb Prosthetics

Partial Finger Prosthesis

Partial Hand Prosthesis

Wrist Disarticulation Prosthesis

Transradial (Below Elbow) Prosthesis

Elbow Disarticulation Prosthesis

Transhumeral (Above Elbow) Prosthesis

Shoulder Disarticulation Prosthesis

Forequarter Prosthesis

Activity-specific Upper limb prosthetics

Body-Powered Prosthetics

Myoelectric Prosthetics

Pattern Recognition Prosthetics

HiFi Socket Technology

Adjustable Socket Technology

Pediatric Prosthetics

Lower Limb Orthotics

Custom Foot Orthoses

Supra malleolar orthoses (SMO)

Ankle-Foot Orthoses (AFO)

Knee Orthoses (KO)

Knee-Ankle-Foot Orthoses (KAFO)

Hip-Knee-Ankle-Foot-Orthosis (HKAFO)

Reciprocating Gait Orthoses (RGO)

Post-Op Hip Abduction Orthoses

Dynamic Splinting

Custom Dynamic Orthoses

Pediatric Orthotics

Upper Limb Orthotics

Dynamic splinting

Brachial Plexus Orthoses

Fracture Bracing

Sarmiento Bracing

Pediatric orthotics

Spinal Orthotics

Lumbar-Sacral Orthoses (LSO)

Thoracic-Lumbar-Sacral Orthoses (TLSO)

Cervical-Thoracic-Lumbar-Sacral Orthoses (CTLSO)

Scoliosis Orthoses

Pediatric/Adolescent Scoliosis Orthoses

Cranial Orthotics

Cranial remolding orthoses

Post-op craniosynostosis repair cranial remolding orthoses

Protective Helmets

We look forward to creating a bond with you in Minneapolis!

1206 Harmon Place
Minneapolis, MN 55403
P: 612-358-3030 F: 612-204-2146

Our office is located on the second floor of the Lunds & Byerlys Spirits and Wine shop. You can access our parking lot via the Lunds parking lot.

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